Between the 27th of February to the 1st of March 2024, the Tekano team embarked on a transformative journey to Vietnam to participate in the Atlantic Institute Program Staff Retreat. This gathering, designed to support staff members from various Atlantic Fellows programs, aimed to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strategic planning for a more equitable and impactful future.

René Sparks

Themed “Flourishing Together: Recharging, Renewing, and Rebuilding,” the retreat provided an enriching environment for critical reflection, idea generation, and alignment discussions among staff members from different programs.

It marked a significant milestone in our collective efforts to strengthen connections, share best practices, and enhance our contribution to positive social change globally. This retreat served as an integral part of Tekano’s commitment to nurturing relationships and fostering a sense of community among staff members. It was an opportunity for the Tekano team to engage with peers, learn from diverse perspectives, and contribute to shaping the future direction of our work in promoting equity, resilience, and sustainability. As we return from this impactful experience, we look forward to applying the insights gained and leveraging our collective wisdom to continue driving positive change within Tekano and beyond. The Program Staff Retreat in Vietnam was indeed a valuable and inspiring journey for us all.