Design and Development of a virtual platform for Tekano Fellows

Calls for Expressions of Interest

Tekano is a leadership development programme for health equity and one of seven (7) Atlantic Fellows Programmes. It is based in Cape Town. It is built upon a commitment to the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitution of South Africa and is rooted within the principles of the Alma-Ata Declaration. Its vision is for a more equitable South African society with improved health status across all populations and its mission is to foster dynamic, visionary, value-based leaders both individually and in catalytic communities of learning and action who articulate, convey and promote health equity and social change. It achieves its work through an annual and ongoing Fellowship Programme for social change activists and thinkers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines who have already shown leadership, commitment, and taken action to address the structural and socioeconomic determinants of health inequity. 


The Tekano Fellowship is organised around a leadership development framework. Alongside the development of conceptual, relational and practical leadership skills, the key purpose of the Programme is to strengthen the impact of Fellows working on social change initiatives around health equity. Tekano has successfully run two health equity fellowship programmes over 2018- 2020 as part of its incubation period. We are currently running our third health equity Fellowship programme and preparing for the intake of our fourth cohort of Fellows., among other initiatives. We have therefore seen the need for an online platform that can be used to share resources and opportunities for our Fellows, surface work that our Fellows can do, connect our Fellows to each other, and their host organisations, both nationally and on the continent.

We would like this platform to be a space that allows for continuous learning, networking and experimentation for our Fellows, and to be a support for them in their activism and leadership development.


The purpose of the consultancy is to identify the various platforms that are available to Tekano and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The consultancy will also identify the best options currently in use as a comparison, and then customise and existing platform suitable for Tekano.


  1. Understand the needs of Tekano and our Fellows with respect to online platform
  2. Identify and share with Tekano the various platforms that are available to develop an online tool, and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  3. Identify and recommend the platform and option that is most suitable for Tekano’s purpose
  4. Customise the platform, and test it for a period of three months
  5. Develop a pilot process
  6. Refine the platform and finalise the platform following user-feedback by the end of six months.


The consultant will have:

  • A good understanding of the health and social justice sectors
  • Exposure to and an understanding of different online knowledge sharing platforms and how these work.
  • An ability to start this work by 1 October 20021.


  • Prepare a report for a Tekano on the online platform research and design process.
  • Develop an initial proposal for the design of the platform for Tekano
  • Work with a content researcher who will input data onto the platform
  • Finalise the Tekano platform design after a 3-month trial period
  • Complete the design component of the platform at the end of 6 months of the platform being used within Tekano

Should you be interested and able to support these deadlines, kindly send an expression of interest, along with a proposed budget and three work related referees to by no later than 10 September 2021.